
	 Credits to:
     1.	uri_funcs.js - URI functions based on STD 66 / RFC 3986
        Author (original): Mike J. Brown <mike at skew.org>  Version: 2007-01-04
	 2.	http://jena.sourceforge.net/iri/javadoc/index.html

 * @module uri

 * @typedef {object} UriObj
 * @property {string} scheme
 * @property {string} host
 * @property {string} port
 * @property {string} userInfo
 * @property {string} authority
 * @property {string} path
 * @property {string} query
 * @property {string} fragment
const splitUriRegex = new RegExp( // IRI lib regexp
    '^' +
    '(([^:/?#]*):)?' + // scheme
    '(//((([^/?#@]*)@)?' + // user
    '(\\[[^/?#]*\\]|([^/?#:]*))?' + // host
    '(:([^/?#]*))?))?' + // port
    '([^#?]*)?' + // path
    '(\\?([^#]*))?' + // query
    '(#(.*))?' + // frag
); //

// TODO: get rid of RFC2396 constants
const RFC2396_DIGIT = '0-9';
const RFC2396_LOWALPHA = 'a-z';
const RFC2396_UPALPHA = 'A-Z';
const RFC2396_ALPHANUM = RFC2396_DIGIT + RFC2396_ALPHA;
const RFC3986_UNRESERVED = `${RFC2396_ALPHANUM}-._~`;
const RFC3986_SUBDELIMS = '!$&\'()*+,;=';
const RFC3986_PCT_ENCODED = '';
const RFC3986_PCHAR = `${RFC3986_REG_NAME}:@`;
const RFC3986_QUERY = `${RFC3986_PCHAR}?/`;
const RFC3986_SEGMENT = RFC3986_PCHAR;
const RFC3986_FRAGMENT = `${RFC3986_PCHAR}?/`;
const PCHAR_TOKENIZER = /(?:%[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}){1,}|./g;
const RFC3986_PATH_SEGMENTS = `${RFC3986_SEGMENT}/`;

// must encode 'RQL query control' chars in value
// like RFC3986_QUERY, but these are not safe
//	'=><!'	FIQL syntax
//	','		arguments separator
//	':'		converter separator
//	'&|'	and, or operator
//	'/'		nested property marker
//	'()'	brackets for grouping operators
// const RQL_VALUE = `${RFC3986_UNRESERVED}${RFC3986_PCT_ENCODED}@?$'*+`;
const RQL_VALUE = RFC3986_QUERY.replace(/[=><!,:&|/()]/g, '');

* @summary uri string to be decomposed
* @param {string} uriStr
* @memberof module:uri
* @return {UriObj}

function decomposeComponents(uriStr) {
    /* eslint-disable-next-line array-bracket-spacing */ // (formatter has problems when starting with ,)
    const [,, scheme,, authority,, userInfo, host,,, port, path,, query,, fragment ] = uriStr.match(splitUriRegex);
    const u = { scheme, authority, path, query, fragment };
    if (u.authority != null) {
        Object.assign(u, { userInfo, port, host });
        // TODO: host null vs '' if authority defined but host not ?
        u.host == null && (u.host = '');
    u.path == null && (u.path = '');
    return u;

* @summary recomposing authority from userInfo, host and port
* @param {string} userInfo
* @param {string} host
* @param {string} port
* @memberof module:uri
* @returns {string}
function recomposeAuthorityComponents(userInfo, host, port) {
    if (host == null) {
        throw new Error(`Illegal host:${host}`);
    let result = '';
    result += userInfo != null ? `${userInfo}@` : '';
    result += host;
    result += port != null ? `:${port}` : '';
    return result;

function _checkAuthorityInvariant(authority, userInfo, host, port) {
    const b = (authority == null && userInfo == null && host == null && port == null) ||
        (authority != null && authority === recomposeAuthorityComponents(userInfo, host, port));
    if (!b) {
        throw new Error('IllegalStateException,AuthorityInvariant broken');

* @summary this will recompose uri as string from each component
* @param {UriObj} object
* @memberof module:uri
* @returns {string}
* @see 5.3.  Component Recomposition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
defined(x) is coded with !=null (means undefined and null are handled the same way)
ignores "authority sub components"
function recomposeComponents({ scheme, authority, userInfo, host, port, path, query, fragment }) {
    _checkAuthorityInvariant(authority, userInfo, host, port);

    let result = '';
    result += scheme != null ? `${scheme}:` : '';
    result += authority != null ? `//${authority}` : '';
    result += path;
    result += query != null ? `?${query}` : '';
    result += fragment != null ? `#${fragment}` : '';

    return result;

* @summary this will encode every character of string with hexadecimal ASCII code
* @param {string} str
* @param {string} legalRange regex pattern
* @memberof module:uri
* @returns {string}
function percentEncode(str, legalRange) {
    const retVal = Array.from(str);
    const reLegal = legalRange && new RegExp(`[${legalRange}]`);
    function encode(cp, i, buff) {
        if (reLegal && cp.match(reLegal)) { return; }
        let enc = encodeURIComponent(cp);
        if (enc.length === 1) {
            enc = `%${cp.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase()}`;
        buff[i] = enc;
    return retVal.join('');

* @summary this will remove dot segments in path
* @param {string} path
* @memberof module:uri
* @returns {string}
function removeDotSegments(path) {
    let inputBufferStart = 0;
    const inputBufferEnd = path.length;
    let output = '';
    let xi = '';
    while (inputBufferStart < inputBufferEnd) {
        let _in = path.substring(inputBufferStart);
        if (_in.indexOf('./') === 0) {
            inputBufferStart += 2;
        if (_in.indexOf('../') === 0) {
            inputBufferStart += 3;
        if (_in.indexOf('/./') === 0) {
            inputBufferStart += 2;
        if (_in === '/.') {
            _in = '/';
            inputBufferStart += 2;
        // force end of loop
        if (_in.indexOf('/../') === 0) {
            inputBufferStart += 3;
            xi = output.lastIndexOf('/');
            if (xi !== -1 && xi !== output.length) {
                output = output.substring(0, xi);
        if (_in === '/..') {
            _in = '/';
            inputBufferStart += 3;
            xi = output.lastIndexOf('/');
            if (xi !== -1 && xi !== output.length) {
                output = output.substring(0, xi);
        if (_in === '.') {
            inputBufferStart += 1;
        if (_in === '..') {
            inputBufferStart += 2;
        let nextSlash = _in.indexOf('/', 1);
        if (nextSlash === -1) {
            nextSlash = _in.length;
        inputBufferStart += nextSlash;
        output += (_in.substring(0, nextSlash));
    // 5.2.4 3
    return output;

// 5.2.3.  Merge Paths

function _merge({ authority, path }, refPath) { // object,string
    if (authority != null && path === '') {
        return `/${refPath}`;
    const xi = path.lastIndexOf('/');
    return (xi === -1) ? refPath : path.substring(0, xi + 1) + refPath;

// 5.2.2.  Transform References

function _transformReference(base, { scheme, authority, userInfo, host, port, path, query, fragment }) {
    if (scheme == null) {
        scheme = base.scheme;
        if (authority == null) {
            ({ authority, userInfo, host, port } = base);
            if (path === '') {
                path = base.path;
                query = query != null ? query : base.query;
            } else {
                path = path.charAt(0) === '/' ? path : removeDotSegments(_merge(base, path));
    path && (path = removeDotSegments(path));
    return { scheme, authority, userInfo, host, port, path, query, fragment };

// 5.2.1.  Pre-parse the Base URI

function _preParseBaseUri({ scheme }) {
    if (scheme == null) {
        throw new Error('Violation 5.2.1, scheme component required');

* @summary TODO
* @param {UriObj} base
* @param {UriObj} ref
* @memberof module:uri
* @return {UriObj}
function resolve(base, ref) {
    return _transformReference(base, ref);

* @summary Spliting path by "/". Main reason is to eliminate unambiquity of "/a%2f%b/c" and "/a/b/c".
* @param {string} encodedPath
* @memberof module:uri
* @returns {array} Path split to DECODED segments as array
function decodeSegments(encodedPath) {
    if (encodedPath === '') {
        return [];
    const segments = encodedPath.split('/');
    if (segments.shift() !== '') {
        throw new Error('path-abempty expected');
    return segments.map((segment) => decodeURIComponent(segment));

* @summary Joining path segments by "/". Main reason is to eliminate unambiquity of "/a%2f%b/c" and "/a/b/c".
* @param {array} segments array of segments not encoded
* @memberof module:uri
* @returns {string} path-abempty, ENCODED path, only characters specified in RFC3986_SEGMENT are encoded if [] specified
* "" is returned
function encodeSegments(segments) {
    if (!(segments instanceof Array)) {
        throw new Error('IllegalArgumentException, array of segments expected');
    if (segments.length === 0) {
        return '';
    return `/${segments.map((segment) => percentEncode(segment, RFC3986_SEGMENT)).join('/')}`;

* @summary Check if path is subordinate
* @param {UriObj} uriParent
* @param {UriObj} uriSub
* @param {boolean} orSame
* @memberof module:uri
* @returns {boolean}
function isSubordinate(uriParent, uriSub, orSame) {
    // if subordinate is absolute and parent is not or parent has different authority
    if (uriSub.authority != null && uriSub.authority !== uriParent.authority) {
        return false;
    const i = uriSub.path.indexOf(uriParent.path);
    return i === 0 && (orSame || uriSub.path.length !== uriParent.path.length);
function encodeSegment(segment) {
    return percentEncode(segment, RFC3986_SEGMENT);

function encodeQuery(str) {
    return percentEncode(str, RFC3986_QUERY);

function encodeRqlValue(str) {
    return percentEncode(str, RQL_VALUE);

function encodeFragment(str) {
    return percentEncode(str, RFC3986_FRAGMENT);

* @summary Validates if string contains legalRange + valid pchars PCHAR. PCHARS represent valid UTF-8 sequence
* @param {UriObj} raw
* @param {string} legalRange regex expression
* @param {string} doThrow
* @memberof module:uri
* @returns {error} NULL if ok, Error if failed
function checkEncoding(raw, legalRange, doThrow /* , flags*/) {
    if (!raw) {
        return null;
    const reLegal = new RegExp(`[${legalRange}]`);
    const tokens = raw.match(PCHAR_TOKENIZER);
    for (let i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
        const t = tokens[i];
        if (t.length > 1) {
            try {
            } catch (ex) {
                const e = new Error(`Illegal PCHAR sequence:${t}`);
                if (doThrow) {
                    throw e;
                return e;
        } else if (!t.match(reLegal)) {
            const e = new Error(`Illegal PCHAR sequence:${t}`);
            if (doThrow) {
                throw e;
            return e;
    return null;

function checkSegmentsEncoding(str, doThrow) {
    return checkEncoding(str, RFC3986_PATH_SEGMENTS, doThrow);

function checkSegmentEncoding(str, doThrow) {
    return checkEncoding(str, RFC3986_SEGMENT, doThrow);

function checkQueryEncoding(str, doThrow) {
    return checkEncoding(str, RFC3986_QUERY, doThrow);

function checkFragmentEncoding(str, doThrow) {
    return checkEncoding(str, RFC3986_FRAGMENT, doThrow);

* @summary Striktna varianta rozoznavajuca empty a undefined query.
* @param {string} query  Ak undefined alebo null vracia null. Ak "" vracia {}, inak vracia {p1:v1,ps:[]},
*   ocakavane bez delimitera (?,#) teda z naseho API
* @param {Uri} bDecode Default false, ci dekodovat mena a values
* @memberof module:uri
* @returns {any}
function parseQuery(query, bDecode) {
    // returns:	Object
    if (query == null) { return null; }
    if (query === '') { return {}; }

    return query.split('&').reduce((obj, part) => {
        const [ name, val ] = part.split('=').map(bDecode ? decodeURIComponent : (p) => p);
        const currVal = obj[name];
        return {
            [name]: currVal == null ? val : (Array.isArray(currVal) ? (currVal.push(val), currVal) : [ currVal, val ])
    }, {});

module.exports = {